What is "goose" in English? Definition and Explanations

Updated: 26-10-2024 by Wikilanguages.net
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What does goose mean in English? Meaning of goose definition and abbreviation with examples.

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What is "goose" in English? Definition and Explanations

Meaning of "goose": web-footed long-necked typically gregarious migratory aquatic birds usually larger and less aquatic than ducks


  • Meaning: web-footed long-necked typically gregarious migratory aquatic birds usually larger and less aquatic than ducks
  • Synonyms: goose
  • Hyponyms: anser anser anser cygnoides barnacle barnacle goose blue goose brant brant goose branta canadensis branta leucopsis brent brent goose canada goose canadian goose chen caerulescens chinese goose gander gosling graylag graylag goose greylag greylag goose honker
  • Hypernyms: anseriform bird
  • Part Holonyms: goose goose down
  • Meaning of "goose": pinch in the buttocks


  • Meaning: pinch in the buttocks
  • Example: he goosed the unsuspecting girl
  • Synonyms: goose
  • Hypernyms: nip pinch squeeze tweet twinge twitch
  • Meaning of "goose": a man who is a stupid incompetent fool


  • Meaning: a man who is a stupid incompetent fool
  • Synonyms: bozo cuckoo fathead goof goofball goose jackass twat zany
  • Hypernyms: fool muggins sap saphead tomfool
  • Meaning of "goose": prod into action


  • Meaning: prod into action
  • Synonyms: goose
  • Hypernyms: egg on incite prod
  • Meaning of "goose": flesh of a goose (domestic or wild)


  • Meaning: flesh of a goose (domestic or wild)
  • Synonyms: goose
  • Hypernyms: poultry
  • Meaning of "goose": give a spurt of fuel to


  • Meaning: give a spurt of fuel to
  • Example: goose the car
  • Synonyms: goose
  • Hypernyms: pump
  • Synonyms:

    aid, support, lift, assistance, improvement, help, leg, handout, hand, praise, buildup, promotion, backup, helping hand, leg up, shot in the arm, advance, lift, raise, shove, hoist, thrust, heave, rush, force, inspire, propel, make, motivate, send, herd, encourage, push, prompt, spur, stimulate, chase, bulldoze, pound, actuate, overwork, coerce, arouse, animate, provoke, worry, hound, nag, rouse, compel, goad, prod, instigate, kick, hustle, shepherd, overburden, oblige, induce, pressure, hurl, press, railroad, hurry, shove, dog, impel, harass, constrain, hasten, egg on, ride herd on, steamroll, act upon, lean on, put up to, spirit up, work on, invigorate, empower, motivate, excite, reinforce, electrify, strengthen, trigger, animate, stimulate, prime, enable, enliven, fortify, inspirit, sustain, vitalize, arm, zap, quicken, build up, pep up, turn on, work up, innervate, actify, activize, jazz up, juice up, liven up, pump up, put zip into, start up, switch on, ass, stooge, jerk, idiot, sucker, clown, twit, buffoon, nitwit, moron, boob, nerd, clod, dunce, imbecile, victim, lightweight, bore, cretin, dolt, turkey, oaf, sap, innocent, nincompoop, bonehead, illiterate, dope, ninny, schlemiel, numskull, loon, blockhead, silly, ignoramus, simpleton, dimwit, easy mark, fair game, fathead, birdbrain, dunderhead, twerp, dumb ox, halfwit, lamebrain, prod, tease, coerce, harass, hound, provoke, force, propel, move, sting, thrust, arouse, prompt, animate, whip, exhort, irritate, sound, encourage, trigger, worry, instigate, urge, prick, bully, needle, excite, lash, inspirit, press, spark, spur, annoy, drive, impel, push, stimulate, turn on, work up, sic, rowel, fire up, key up, put up to, beset, press, crave, persuade, plead, hound, badger, sell, nag, pray, pester, implore, solicit, appeal, urge, invoke, besiege, plague, ask, beseech, beg, entreat, harass, supplicate, con, egg on, dun, work on, urge, activate, prompt, coax, engender, bring about, breed, promote, motivate, produce, persuade, convince, cause, generate, abet, move, actuate, bulldoze, make, cajole, sway, instigate, draw, wheedle, get, influence, effect, procure, press, sweet-talk, squeeze, impel, occasion, incite, bring around, get up, lead to, soft-soap, steamroll, argue into, draw in, give rise to, prevail upon, sell one on, set in motion, suck in, talk into, win over, twist one's arm, raise, rise, pick up, hoist, climb, boost, disappear, soar, uphold, hike, mount, dissipate, up, erect, elevate, upraise, arise, aspire, uplift, vanish, rear, disperse, bring up, build up, come up, draw up, put up, take up, uprear, heft, upheave, bear aloft, buoy up, hike up, jack up, jump up, move up, raise high, prompt, inspire, propel, sway, excite, drive, trigger, galvanize, spark, provoke, spur, persuade, incline, move, actuate, pique, arouse, quicken, lead, suggest, incite, dispose, goad, predetermine, whet, cause, draw, fire, induce, inspirit, rouse, sound, bring, impel, predispose, egg on, innervate, give incentive, innerve, prevail upon, set afoot, set astir, touch off, desire, impetus, interest, wish, incentive, motive, reason, encouragement, impulse, catalyst, inclination, provocation, hunger, gimmick, angle, persuasion, incitation, kick, fire, action, disposition, spur, incitement, predisposition, stimulus, drive, instigation, inducement, suggestion, push, right stuff, predetermination, actuation, impulsion, get up and go, baffle, bamboozle, beat, bewilder, cap, cheat, circumvent, con, confuse, deceive, defeat, defraud, dupe, finagle, gull, have, hoax, hoodwink, mislead, outdo, outfox, outmaneuver, overreach, swindle, take in, top, trick, worst, outthink, end-run, fake out, fox, lead astray, make a fool of, make a monkey of, outgeneral, outguess, outjockey, pull a fast one on, put one over on, run circles around, seduction, sell, pull, conversion, potency, force, power, cogency, brainwashing, persuasiveness, exhortation, hook, alignment, enticement, blandishment, squeeze, inducement, con, alluring, hard sell, promote, snow job, soft soap, sweet talk, inveiglement, wheedling, cajolery, arm-twist, winning over, working over, annoy, ignite, irk, displease, excite, irritate, gall, rile, arouse, incense, whet, offend, kindle, stimulate, galvanize, move, sting, mortify, quicken, motivate, wound, goad, vex, stir, prick, exasperate, get, absorb, rouse, spur, bug, affront, miff, peeve, bother, nettle, grab, egg on, put out, work up, fire up, get a rise out of, get under skin, give a hard time, give the business, make waves, nudge, stick out, shove, dig, punch, stab, stick, protrude, prod, jab, shoulder, project, awaken, rouse, hit, crowd, bulge, arouse, ram, jostle, jut, butt, elbow, provoke, stir, stimulate, overhang, stand out, press, nudge, prick, crowd, shove, dig, drive, punch, push, jog, elbow, jab, prompt, propel, motivate, goad, remind, provoke, spur, stimulate, sound, impel, prick, crowd, exhort, move, excite, pique, trigger, push, spark, rouse, instigate, egg on, turn on, sic, jog memory, stir up, press, pressure, encourage, spur, speed, inspire, influence, coerce, persuade, bulldoze, hurry, motivate, goad, jolly, oblige, prod, browbeat, railroad, squeeze, constrain, expedite, kid, impel, strong-arm, bear down, egg on, turn on, steamroll, dragoon, exert influence, fire up, go to town on, key up, lean on, overpress, pour it on, push around, put the screws to, put up to, sell on, speed up, get, strengthen, heighten, obtain, jump, collect, reinforce, enhance, promote, boost, pyramid, dignify, recruit, congregate, rally, aggravate, form, magnify, enlarge, exalt, congress, inflate, levy, mushroom, escalate, snowball, assemble, intensify, amplify, advance, exaggerate, muster, hike, gather, up, mass, rendezvous, mobilize, honor, build up, look up, perk up, pick up, put up, forgather, fetch up, goose up, hike up, jack up, jump up, run up, send through the roof, shoot up, urge, motivation, prick, impetus, needle, goad, incentive, inducement, trigger, catalyst, impulse, motive, incitation, stimulant, turn-on, actuation, activation, excitant, arouse, propel, drive, trigger, push, spark, stir, stimulate, urge, awaken, rouse, prick, favor, exhort, goad, impel, countenance, press, rally, animate, prod, instigate, egg on, turn on, work up, sic, fire up, key up, put up to, beat, exceed, total, eclipse, outstrip, transcend, excel, best, better, outshine, overrun, clobber, outdo, finagle, bash, outfox, shut out, fox, be first, blow away, fake out, go beyond, run circles around, deceive, outfox, outmaneuver, cheat, gull, confuse, hoax, have, circumvent, defraud, trick, bewilder, outsmart, top, finagle, bamboozle, beat, baffle, overreach, worst, gyp, hoodwink, swindle, dupe, cap, mislead, defeat, outdo, con, take in, outthink, outgeneral, fox, outguess, end run, fake out, figure out, jip, juke, lead astray, outjockey, fowl, duck, chicken, turkey, grouse, quail, geese, pigeon, pheasant, pullet, rooster, partridge, hen, chicken, turkey, game, duck, chick, cock, bird, pheasant, hen, capon, rooster, ass, blockhead, bonehead, boob, bore, buffoon, clod, clown, cretin, dimwit, dolt, dope, dunce, easy mark, fair game, idiot, ignoramus, illiterate, imbecile, innocent, jackass, jerk, lightweight, loon, moron, nerd, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, numskull, oaf, sap, schlemiel, silly, simple, simpleton, softhead, stooge, sucker, tomfool, turkey, twit, victim, birdbrain, dumb ox, dunderhead, fathead, halfwit, lamebrain, twerp, clod, dunce, stooge, imbecile, victim, lightweight, bore, sap, nerd, dolt, bonehead, oaf, cretin, idiot, nitwit, simple, buffoon, moron, nincompoop, jackass, ass, turkey, illiterate, innocent, jerk, sucker, dope, schlemiel, numskull, boob, twit, loon, blockhead, clown, tomfool, silly, ignoramus, simpleton, dimwit, easy mark, fair game, mooncalf, softhead, fathead, birdbrain, dunderhead, twerp, dumb ox, halfwit, lamebrain, outmaneuver, baffle, outfox, deceive, outdo, circumvent, bamboozle, dupe, cheat, gull, confuse, have, defraud, trick, bewilder, top, finagle, beat, overreach, worst, gyp, hoodwink, swindle, hoax, cap, mislead, defeat, con, outthink, take in, outgeneral, fox, outguess, end run, fake out, figure out, jip, juke, lead astray, outjockey, baffle, bamboozle, beat, bewilder, cap, cheat, circumvent, con, confuse, deceive, defeat, defraud, dupe, finagle, gull, gyp, have, hoax, hoodwink, mislead, outdo, outfox, outmaneuver, outsmart, overreach, swindle, take in, top, trick, worst, end run, fake out, figure out, fox, jip, juke, lead astray, outgeneral, outguess, outjockey, clod, dunce, stooge, blockhead, victim, lightweight, bore, sap, nerd, dolt, turkey, oaf, cretin, idiot, nitwit, simple, innocent, moron, boob, jackass, ass, bonehead, illiterate, buffoon, jerk, sucker, dope, ninny, schlemiel, numskull, nincompoop, twit, loon, imbecile, clown, tomfool, silly, ignoramus, simpleton, dimwit, easy mark, fair game, mooncalf, softhead, fathead, birdbrain, dunderhead, twerp, dumb ox, halfwit, lamebrain, clod, dunce, stooge, blockhead, victim, lightweight, bore, sap, nerd, dolt, turkey, oaf, cretin, idiot, nitwit, simple, innocent, moron, boob, jackass, ass, bonehead, illiterate, buffoon, jerk, sucker, dope, ninny, schlemiel, numskull, nincompoop, twit, loon, imbecile, clown, tomfool, silly, ignoramus, simpleton, dimwit, easy mark, fair game, mooncalf, softhead, fathead, birdbrain, dunderhead, twerp, dumb ox, halfwit, lamebrain, ass, blockhead, bonehead, boob, bore, buffoon, clod, clown, cretin, dimwit, dolt, dope, dunce, easy mark, fair game, idiot, ignoramus, illiterate, imbecile, innocent, jackass, jerk, lightweight, loon, mooncalf, moron, nerd, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, numskull, oaf, sap, schlemiel, silly, simple, simpleton, stooge, sucker, tomfool, turkey, twit, victim, birdbrain, dumb ox, dunderhead, fathead, halfwit, lamebrain, twerp, clod, dunce, stooge, simple, blockhead, victim, lightweight, bore, cretin, nerd, dolt, turkey, oaf, sap, idiot, nitwit, innocent, moron, boob, jackass, ass, bonehead, illiterate, buffoon, jerk, sucker, dope, ninny, schlemiel, numskull, nincompoop, twit, loon, imbecile, clown, silly, ignoramus, simpleton, dimwit, easy mark, fair game, mooncalf, softhead, birdbrain, dunderhead, twerp, fathead, dumb ox, halfwit, lamebrain, clod, dunce, stooge, simple, blockhead, victim, lightweight, bore, sap, nerd, dolt, bonehead, oaf, cretin, idiot, nitwit, twit, innocent, moron, boob, jackass, ass, illiterate, buffoon, jerk, sucker, dope, ninny, schlemiel, numskull, nincompoop, loon, imbecile, clown, tomfool, silly, ignoramus, simpleton, dimwit, easy mark, fair game, mooncalf, softhead, birdbrain, dunderhead, fathead, twerp, dumb ox, halfwit, lamebrain, invigorate, enliven, stimulate, prime, enable, strengthen, empower, motivate, excite, exhilarate, reinforce, trigger, sustain, inspirit, fortify, animate, quicken, arm, zap, electrify, build up, pep up, turn on, work up, juice up, innervate, actify, activize, jazz up, liven up, pump up, put zip into, start up, switch on,


    hindrance, injury, harm, hurt, obstruction, silence, decrease, setback, stop, check, blow, discouragement, decrease, hindrance, setback, blow, discouragement, dissuade, prevent, impede, calm, delay, hinder, dally, procrastinate, slow, wait, curb, repress, retard, discourage, halt, stop, depress, leave alone, please, pull, rest, let go, check, dishearten, dissuade, calm, deaden, weaken, deactivate, debilitate, sap, tire, weary, bore, depress, dull, discourage, halt, stop, genius, brain, surrender, dissuade, calm, lull, quiet, prevent, deaden, aid, soothe, block, praise, repress, suppress, leave alone, stop, discourage, pull, bore, halt, please, depress, check, dissuade, reply, refuse, aid, assist, leave alone, discourage, answer, please, help, command, give, dissuade, prevent, destroy, deter, impede, delay, hinder, discourage, stop, halt, kill, stay, leave alone, lose, fail, repel, decrease, lessen, impose, demote, dispirit, weaken, drop, lower, descend, fall, collect, gather, appear, set down, give, receive, depress, prevent, dissuade, hinder, repress, retard, dishearten, calm, quiet, slow, delay, disconcert, halt, stop, discourage, check, bore, dull, depress, dislike, hate, hatred, hindrance, deterrent, prevention, block, discouragement, dullness, depression, disability, ineffectiveness, weakness, incompetence, hindrance, prevention, atheism, disbelief, impotence, discouragement, dissuasion, aid, soothe, delight, calm, lull, quiet, dissuade, compliment, appease, placate, misunderstand, mollify, make happy, please, extinguish, compose, bore, depress, discourage, satisfy, dull, help, calm, depress, cave in, discourage, leave alone, rush, dissuade, repress, pull, discourage, prevent, dissuade, quiet, repress, suppress, calm, halt, stop, depress, discourage, dissuade, hinder, repress, suppress, delay, slow, conceal, hide, leave alone, discourage, stop, pull, dissuade, weaken, decrease, undermine, condemn, disgrace, humiliate, shame, scatter, disperse, soothe, lessen, play down, abridge, compress, condense, curtail, denounce, demolish, destroy, raze, ignore, repress, suppress, lose, discourage, hurt, divide, separate, diminish, lower, reduce, shrink, contract, halt, stop, drop, depress, conclude, finish, abandon, neglect, hindrance, deterrent, prevention, curb, discouragement, block, calm, dissuade, repress, deaden, disapprove, check, discourage, halt, stop, surrender, replace, fall behind, fail, lose, descend, drop, fall, lower, add, enlighten, explain, aid, assist, guard, protect, surrender, abet, clear up, help, support, lose, encourage, give, be honest, genius, brain, aid, assist, explain, guard, protect, surrender, help, clear up, lose, give, be honest, genius, brain, genius, brain, genius, brain, genius, brain, enervate, block, weaken, dissuade, deaden, bore, depress, dull, halt, stop, hurt, discourage,


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    goose in English: goose