What is "co-ordinate" in English? Definition and Explanations

Updated: 25-10-2024 by Wikilanguages.net
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What does co-ordinate mean in English? Meaning of co-ordinate definition and abbreviation with examples.

pronunciation pronunciation

What is "co-ordinate" in English? Definition and Explanations

Meaning of "co-ordinate": a number that identifies a position relative to an axis


  • Meaning: a number that identifies a position relative to an axis
  • Synonyms: co-ordinate coordinate
  • Hyponyms: cartesian coordinate polar coordinate
  • Hypernyms: number
  • Adjective: Alternative spelling of coordinate
  • Synonyms:

    correspondent, like, equal, same, counterpart, correlative, parallel, alike, tantamount, coequal, equalized, harmonize, integrate, organize, regulate, agree, systematize, adjust, reconcile, correlate, conform, proportion, accommodate, synchronize, mesh, combine, pool, conduce, quarterback, atune, get it together, pull together, reconciliate, shape up, team up, get one's act together, integrate, adjust, modify, adapt, fit, conform, accord, settle, reconcile, accustom, attune, proportion, correspond, coordinate, tailor, tune, suit, harmonize, compose, agree, comply, tailor-make, bend over backwards, go by the book, go with the flow, make consistent, play the game, shape up, don't make waves, don't rock the boat, conform, standardize, fine-tune, modify, allocate, coordinate, regulate, sort, systematize, accord, organize, reconcile, doctor, grade, tally, conclude, straighten, clarify, settle, arrange, fix up, methodize, fiddle with, coordinate, adjust, regulate, even, range, fix, order, straighten, allineate, even up, make parallel, accommodate, accustom, adapt, conform, accord, regulate, reconcile, proportion, acclimatize, harmonize, familiarize, compensate, counterbalance, integrate, coordinate, balance, tune, make agree, organize, divide, distribute, label, segregate, allocate, analyze, arrange, incorporate, alphabetize, grade, number, rank, rate, regiment, collocate, file, tabulate, size, index, group, codify, dispose, assort, pigeonhole, catalogue, peg, type, match, sort, brand, coordinate, distinguish, ticket, class, systematize, name, correlate, range, tag, allot, embody, docket, order, put away, tab, typecast, break down, button down, put down as, put down for, rank out, size up, take one's measure, ancillary, attendant, collateral, concomitant, consonant, contemporary, coordinate, correspondent, incident, satellite, simultaneous, synchronous, attending, contemporaneous, coinciding, ancillary, supporting, satellite, concomitant, auxiliary, complementary, dependent, lateral, parallel, accessory, incident, roundabout, subsidiary, coordinate, subordinate, attendant, tributary, side, sub, accompanying, circuitous, coincident, concurrent, corresponding, corroborative, related, subservient, under, added, adjuvant, adjunctive, appurtenant, confirmatory, not lineal, collateral, coeval, belonging, joint, fellow, complementary, incident, contemporary, satellite, attending, corollary, coordinate, attendant, accessory, agreeing, ancillary, coincident, coincidental, concurrent, connected, synchronous, coetaneous, coexistent, contemporaneous, isochronal, isochronous, synergetic, synergistic, coefficient, adjuvant, associated with, associative, concordant, conjoined, conjoined with, coterminous, coupled with, in tempo, in time, synchronal, coordinate, reconcile, fit, yield, accommodate, integrate, tailor, attune, harmonize, comply, square, obey, proportion, mind, keep, observe, suit, follow, tune, quadrate, toe the line, tailor-make, be guided by, clean up act, fall in with, follow beaten path, follow the crowd, go by the book, go with the flow, make room, meet halfway, move over, play the game, reconciliate, roll with punches, run with the pack, shape up, straighten up, don't make waves, don't rock the boat, collaborate, help, uphold, contribute, conspire, unite, participate, coordinate, further, agree, advance, abet, befriend, concur, concert, conduce, league, band, second, succor, combine, espouse, forward, partner, coincide, back up, chip in, pitch in, play ball, comply with, be in cahoots, coadjute, go along with, join forces, join in, lend a hand, pool resources, pull together, share in, show willingness, side with, stick together, take part, work side by side, work together, interact, correspond, coordinate, parallel, connect, associate, tie in, be on same wavelength, have good vibes, relate mutually, tune in on, angel, match, simulacrum, picture, reciprocal, impersonator, ringer, clone, twin, companion, counterpart, duplicate, mate, replica, coordinate, portrait, copy, image, dead ringer, spitting image, stand-in, lookalike, replication, photocopy, replica, carbon copy, similarity, ringer, fellow, dupe, second, imitation, fake, analogue, counterfeit, copycat, repetition, reciprocal, obverse, recurrence, mate, pirate, match, clone, phony, Xerox, carbon, companion, parallel, likeness, ditto, correlate, double, twin, counterpart, facsimile, coordinate, chip off the old block, dead ringer, spitting image, duplication, germination, knockoff, Photostat, counterscript, lookalike, repro, stat, identical, comparable, corresponding, equivalent, proportionate, balanced, commensurate, correspondent, level, egalitarian, double, invariable, look-alike, same, matching, duplicate, coordinate, uniform, parallel, matched, break even, homologous, indistinguishable, tantamount, unvarying, identic, according, evenly matched, fifty-fifty, one and the same, same difference, spit and image, stack up with, to the same degree, two peas in pod, compare, amount to, reach, correspond, match, break even, comprise, equipoise, level, emulate, rival, tally, parallel, coordinate, equate, equalize, meet, touch, tie, balance, approach, agree, come up to, consist of, be commensurate, be identical, be level, be tantamount, equiponderate, keep pace with, live up to, measure up, partake of, rank with, rise to, run abreast, square with, adjust, even, trim, square, standardize, handicap, rival, level, smooth, equal, compare, socialize, emulate, equate, coordinate, establish, parallel, match, even up, communize, regularize, democratize, commeasure, lecturer, associate, assistant, professor, companion, instructor, counterpart, comrade, concomitant, reciprocal, consort, double, duplicate, equal, member, coordinate, twin, mate, peer, partner, compeer, cohort, match, confrere, coworker, unify, reconcile, cooperate, integrate, adjust, coordinate, accord, compose, correlate, carol, relate, attune, proportion, unite, synthesize, set, combine, adapt, suit, sing, cohere, orchestrate, blend, agree, tune, arrange, symphonize, be in unison, be of one mind, chime with, fit in with, reconciliate, consolidate, incorporate, organize, unify, conform, assimilate, join, desegregate, fuse, unite, accommodate, harmonize, mesh, combine, coordinate, link, blend, compact, concatenate, reconcile, associate, wed, conjoin, proportion, articulate, amalgamate, coalesce, synthesize, concentrate, intermix, attune, embody, systematize, orchestrate, knit, tune, arrange, get together, symphonize, come together, interface, meld with, reconciliate, throw in together, comrade, acquaintance, buddy, companion, bride, roommate, schoolmate, spouse, colleague, sidekick, concomitant, helper, twin, cohort, intimate, duplicate, assistant, pal, friend, crony, associate, familiar, complement, chum, peer, compeer, reciprocal, consort, double, groom, counterpart, helpmate, match, coordinate, alter ego, coworker, playmate, classmate, analog, bedmate, fit, dovetail, coordinate, combine, harmonize, coincide, knit, engage, ensnare, interlock, agree, enmesh, trap, catch, net, tangle, snare, come together, fit together, coordinate, set up, manage, arrange, compose, unify, concert, harmonize, synthesize, score, integrate, blend, present, put together, symphonize, run, formulate, form, set up, create, construct, coordinate, regulate, establish, fashion, frame, constitute, shape, mold, tabulate, compose, group, fit, codify, dispose, pigeonhole, catalogue, adjust, combine, adapt, harmonize, classify, standardize, tailor, correlate, straighten, range, settle, marshal, get together, put together, methodize, be responsible for, get going, lick into shape, line up, look after, put in order, see to, straighten out, take care of, whip into shape, coordinate, lateral, alongside, equidistant, laterally, coextending, coextensive, extending equally, in the same direction, never meeting, running alongside, mutual, complementary, dependent, double, equivalent, give-and-take, twin, fellow, duplicate, correlative, coordinate, convertible, companion, changeable, corresponding, exchangeable, interchangeable, matching, reciprocative, interdependent, reciprocatory, conform, resolve, appease, coordinate, reunite, assuage, rectify, accommodate, harmonize, placate, pacify, integrate, accustom, mitigate, compose, intercede, fit, accord, conciliate, cool, suit, proportion, arbitrate, mediate, settle, attune, regulate, propitiate, tune, arrange, bring to terms, bury the hatchet, fix up, make up, patch up, bring together, come together, get together on, kiss and make up, make matters up, patch things up, re-establish, reconciliate, restore harmony, win over, control, readjust, standardize, monitor, rectify, oversee, govern, administer, adjust, determine, supervise, coordinate, handle, balance, conduct, classify, improve, set, reconcile, direct, square, measure, modulate, legislate, fit, fix, dispose, adapt, order, correct, allocate, run, superintend, tune, arrange, systematize, moderate, rule, temper, settle, time, guide, tune up, methodize, true, pull things together, put in order, shape up, straighten up, compare, associate, pertain, ascribe, link, connect, affect, apply, concern, assign, refer, join, coordinate, yoke, couple, conjoin, unite, credit, bracket, impute, appertain, touch, combine, orient, ally, identify with, orientate, interrelate, consociate, interdepend, interconnect, be joined with, be relevant to, bear upon, correspond to, have reference to, have to do with, tie in with, control, head, own, lead, keep, conduct, operate, ordain, helm, superintend, direct, boss, administer, oversee, coordinate, regulate, carry on, ride herd on, be in charge, be in saddle, head up, look after, pull the strings, take care of, be in driver's seat, accommodate, adapt, adjust, attune, conform, coordinate, dial, fix, harmonize, integrate, modulate, pitch, proportion, reconcile, regulate, set, string, tighten, likeness, reciprocal, double, clone, look-alike, corollary, companion, counterpart, duplicate, mate, ringer, coordinate, Doppelganger, match, identical twin, Siamese twin, fraternal twin, accommodate, adapt, adjust, attune, conform, coordinate, dial, fix, harmonize, integrate, modulate, pitch, proportion, reconcile, regulate, set, string, tighten, tune, simulacrum, impersonator, reciprocal, angel, picture, clone, duplicate, companion, counterpart, twin, mate, replica, coordinate, portrait, copy, image, match, dead ringer, spitting image, stand-in, lookalike, garb, costume, suit, togs, coordinates, get-up,


    dissimilar, unlike, variable, different, unequal, unparallel, disorganize, disorder, disarrange, refuse, disconnect, disintegrate, disagree, confuse, differ, divide, separate, mismatch, unsuit, uncoordinate, unrelate, disarrange, disorder, refuse, deny, reject, block, frustrate, hinder, impede, limit, obstruct, prevent, unfit, differ, fight, mismatch, oppose, disagree, upset, decline, turn away, turn out, bar, stop, unsuit, disorder, disorganize, mix up, refuse, disarrange, unsettle, derange, differ, mismatch, confuse, disagree, move, upset, unfit, unsuit, disorganize, disorder, mess up, disjoin, break, divide, separate, disarrange, refuse, disagree, disarrange, disorder, disorganize, combine, unite, exclude, estimate, guess, scatter, mix up, disintegrate, disallow, collect, gather, join, hold, keep, maintain, unrelated, independent, dissimilar, chief, primary, principal, different, important, necessary, major, direct, main, accidental, chance, unrelated, refuse, deny, prevent, reject, disobey, disregard, ignore, disagree, oppose, neglect, forget, differ, fight, mismatch, not correspond, block, counteract, harm, hinder, obstruct, protest, impede, reject, delay, encumber, handicap, prevent, disagree, check, hurt, stop, oppose, halt, differ, disturb, disconnect, disassociate, separate, differ, imbalance, original, dissimilarity, unlikeness, enemy, opposite, reality, archetype, prototype, difference, original, reverse, model, dissimilar, unlike, changing, variable, inconsistent, divergent, unmatched, varying, biased, disproportionate, unfair, unjust, different, unequal, mismatched, not alike, unequitable, disconnect, vary, differ, fail, separate, disagree, imbalance, disproportion, unmatch, vary, aid, assist, roughen, disagree, differ, help, imbalance, disproportion, unmatch, enemy, foe, opponent, stranger, pupil, student, inferior, refuse, disarrange, disperse, scatter, disconnect, conceal, disorder, dispute, disorganize, oppose, disagree, differ, divide, separate, disturb, clash, fight, disjoin, disperse, disarrange, disconnect, divorce, scatter, disorder, disorganize, mix up, divide, part, separate, fight, mismatch, confuse, enemy, foe, opponent, stranger, antagonist, detractor, disconnect, release, refuse, liberate, untangle, mismatch, clash, disagree, let go, decline, free, unmesh, disperse, disorganize, ignore, divide, separate, destroy, ruin, disarrange, disperse, scatter, mix up, disorganize, disorder, disconnect, break, upset, disturb, confuse, unfit, differ, move, zigzag, dissimilar, divergent, crooked, separate, skewed, different, dissimilar, unlike, independent, different, unequal, singular, incite, increase, disarrange, disperse, scatter, refuse, mix up, disorganize, divorce, estrange, fight, mismatch, irritate, separate, upset, agitate, argue, disagree, confuse, waver, damage, worsen, obey, soften, mislead, disarrange, disorganize, unsettle, disorder, mix up, neglect, mismanage, displace, halt, disagree, misguide, disturb, serve, confuse, upset, leave, deregulate, disconnect, disjoin, conceal, hide, dissociate, divide, separate, obey, walk, cease, abandon, give up, let go, follow, lose, mismanage, neglect, stand, halt, stop, serve, destroy, harm, break, hurt, difference, original,


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    co-ordinate in English: co-ordinate