Synonyms for rod

Updated: 17-09-2024 by
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Some common synonyms of rod are: rod [n.] 1. Twig, shoot, slender stem. 2. Wand, slender stick, cane. 3. Switch, scourge, birch, cudgel. 4. Pole, perch. 5. Shoot, branch (of a family), tribe, race. 6. Wand, sceptre.

Synonyms of rod

rod [n.]

1. Twig, shoot, slender stem. 2. Wand, slender stick, cane. 3. Switch, scourge, birch, cudgel. 4. Pole, perch. 5. Shoot, branch (of a family), tribe, race. 6. Wand, sceptre.

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