Synonyms for miserable

Updated: 07-11-2024 by
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Some common synonyms of miserable are: miserable [a.] 1. Unhappy (as respects the condition of the mind), wretched, distressed, afflicted, comfortless, disconsolate, forlorn, broken-hearted, heart-broken. 2. Wretched, pitiable, calamitous, unfortunate, unlucky, ill-starred, unhappy, hapless. 3. Worthless, valueless, very poor (in quality). 4. Low, mean, abject, despicable, contemptible, worthless.

Synonyms of miserable

miserable [a.]

1. Unhappy (as respects the condition of the mind), wretched, distressed, afflicted, comfortless, disconsolate, forlorn, broken-hearted, heart-broken. 2. Wretched, pitiable, calamitous, unfortunate, unlucky, ill-starred, unhappy, hapless. 3. Worthless, valueless, very poor (in quality). 4. Low, mean, abject, despicable, contemptible, worthless.

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