warrant in Turkish
Do you know warrant in Turkish? How to use warrant in Turkish and how to say warrant in Turkish? How to write warrant in Turkish? Now let's learn how to say warrant in Turkish language.
warrant translate to Turkish meanings: hak.
In other words, hak in Turkish is warrant in English.Click to pronunce
English | Turkish |
warrant | hak |
How to use warrant in Turkish?
Meaning of warrant in Turkish language is: hak.
Other words in Turkish
wander, whit, weather, wring, windbreak,
Read more Synonyms and Antonyms of warrant
Why we should learn Turkish language?
There are many, many reasons why learning a new language is a good idea. It allows you to communicate with new people. It helps you to see things from a different perspective, or get a deeper understanding of another culture. It helps you to become a better listener. It even has health benefits, as studies have shown that people who speak two or more languages have more active minds later in life!
7 reasons to learn a Turkish language
- Makes you smarter.
- Boosts academic achievement.
- Provides professional and career advantages.
- Provides broader access to education and information.
- Gives you more social and global skills.
- Increases national security.
- Life is more interesting.
How to say warrant in Turkish?
hak. This is your most common way to say warrant in hak language. Click audio icon to pronounce warrant in Turkish::
English | Turkish |
warrant | hak |
How to write warrant in Turkish?
The standard way to write "warrant" in Turkish is: hak
Alphabet in Turkish
About Turkish language
See more about Turkish language in here.
Turkish (Türkçe (listen), Türk dili; also Türkiye Türkçesi 'Turkish of Turkey'[15]) is the most widely spoken of the Turkic languages, with around 80 to 90 million speakers. It is the national language of Turkey and Northern Cyprus. Significant smaller groups of Turkish speakers also exist in Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, North Macedonia,[16] Greece,[17] Cyprus, other parts of Europe, the Caucasus, and some parts of Central Asia, Iraq, and Syria. Cyprus has requested the European Union to add Turkish as an official language, as one of the two official languages of Cyprus.[18] Turkish is the 13th most spoken language in the world. To the west, the influence of Ottoman Turkish—the variety of the Turkish language that was used as the administrative and literary language of the Ottoman Empire—spread as the Ottoman Empire expanded. In 1928, as one of Atatürk's Reforms in the early years of the Republic of Turkey, the Ottoman Turkish alphabet was replaced with a Latin alphabet. The distinctive characteristics of the Turkish language are vowel harmony and extensive agglutination. The basic word order of Turkish is subject–object–verb. Turkish has no noun classes or grammatical gender. The language makes usage of honorifics and has a strong T–V distinction which distinguishes varying levels of politeness, social distance, age, courtesy or familiarity toward the addressee. The plural second-person pronoun and verb forms are used referring to a single person out of respect..
Writing system in Turkish
Latin (Turkish alphabet), Turkish Braille
Turkish Speaking Countries and Territories
Turkish Speaking Countries and Territories: Turkey (official), Northern Cyprus (official), Cyprus (official), Azerbaijan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Turkish native speakers
Turkish native speakers: Native: 82 million (2006). L2: 5.9 million (2019). Total: 88 million..
Turkish language code
Turkish language code is: tr.
Conclusion on warrant in Turkish
Now that you have learned and understood the common ways of saying warrant in Turkish is "hak", it's time to learn how to say warrant in Turkish. This will hopefully give you a little motivation to study Turkish today.
hak in Turkish meanings warrant in English.
Aeroplane | Uçak | Airport |
Airline | Havayolu | Airport |
Airport | Havaalanı / Havalimanı | Airport |
Arrival | Varış | Airport |
Customs | Gümrük | Airport |
Departure | Kalkış | Airport |
Domestic | Yurtiçi | Airport |
Flight | Uçuş | Airport |
Hand luggage | El bagajı | Airport |
International | Yurtdışı | Airport |
Luggage | Bagaj | Airport |
Passenger | Yolcu | Airport |
Passport | Pasaport | Airport |
Runway | Pist | Airport |
Security Control | Güvenlik Kontrolü | Airport |
Terminal | Terminal | Airport |
Ticket | Bilet | Airport |
Animal | Hayvan | Animals |
Bear | Ayı | Animals |
Bird | Kuş | Animals |
Camel | Deve | Animals |
Cat | Kedi | Animals |
Cheetah | Çita | Animals |
Chicken | Tavuk | Animals |
Cow | İnek | Animals |
Dog | Köpek | Animals |
Donkey | Eşek | Animals |
Duck | Ördek | Animals |
Eagle | Kartal | Animals |
Elephant | Fil | Animals |
Fish | Balık | Animals |
Giraffe | Zürafa | Animals |
Horse | At | Animals |
Kangaroo | Kanguru | Animals |
Lion | Aslan | Animals |
Monkey | Maymun | Animals |
Mouse | Fare | Animals |
Owl | Baykuş | Animals |
Penguin | Penguen | Animals |
Rabbit | Tavşan | Animals |
Sheep | Koyun | Animals |
Snake | Yılan | Animals |
Spider | Örümcek | Animals |
Chair | Sandalye | At Home |
Clock | Saat | At Home |
Desk | Masa | At Home |
Door | Kapı | At Home |
House | Ev | At Home |
Light | Işık | At Home |
Room | Oda | At Home |
Stairs | Merdiven | At Home |
Window | Pencere | At Home |
Bookshelf | Kitaplık | LIVING ROOM |
Coffee table | Sehpa | LIVING ROOM |
Couch | Kanepe | LIVING ROOM |
Fireplace | Şömine | LIVING ROOM |
Living room | Oturma odası | LIVING ROOM |
Rug | Halı | LIVING ROOM |
Vase | Vazo | LIVING ROOM |
Alarm clock | Çalar saat | BEDROOM |
Bed | Yatak | BEDROOM |
Bedroom | Yatak odası | BEDROOM |
Blanket | Battaniye | BEDROOM |
Computer | Bilgisayar | BEDROOM |
Curtain | Perde | BEDROOM |
Drawer | Çekmece | BEDROOM |
Lamp | Lamba | BEDROOM |
Pillow | Yastık | BEDROOM |
Wardrobe | Gardırop | BEDROOM |
Dinner Table | Yemek masası | KITCHEN |
Dishwasher | Bulaşık makinesi | KITCHEN |
Fridge | Buzdolabı | KITCHEN |
Kitchen | Mutfak | KITCHEN |
Oven | Fırın | KITCHEN |
Pot | Tencere | KITCHEN |
Stove | Ocak | KITCHEN |
Teapot | Çaydanlık | KITCHEN |
Bathroom | Banyo | BATHROOM |
Mirror | Ayna | BATHROOM |
Shower | Duş | BATHROOM |
Soap | Sabun | BATHROOM |
Tap | Musluk | BATHROOM |
Toothbrush | Diş fırçası | BATHROOM |
Toothpaste | Diş macunu | BATHROOM |
Towel | Havlu | BATHROOM |
Belt | Kemer | Clothing |
Blouse | Bluz | Clothing |
Gloves | Eldiven | Clothing |
Headscarf | Eşarp / Başörtüsü | Clothing |
Jacket | Mont | Clothing |
Jeans | Kot pantolon | Clothing |
Jersey | Kazak | Clothing |
Jubbah / Thobe | Cübbe | Clothing |
Overcoat (Men's) | Palto | Clothing |
Overcoat (Women's) | Manto | Clothing |
Pants / Trousers | Pantolon | Clothing |
Pyjamas | Pijama | Clothing |
Shirt | Gömlek | Clothing |
Shoes | Ayakkabı | Clothing |
Skirt | Etek | Clothing |
Socks | Çorap | Clothing |
Suit | Takım elbise | Clothing |
Tie | Kravat | Clothing |
Tracksuit | Eşofman | Clothing |
T-shirt | Tişört | Clothing |
Underwear | İç çamaşır | Clothing |
White | Beyaz | Colors |
Grey | Gri | Colors |
Turquoise | Türküaz | Colors |
Blue | Mavi | Colors |
Navy | Lacivert | Colors |
Green | Yeşil | Colors |
Yellow | Sarı | Colors |
Orange | Turuncu | Colors |
Red | Kırmızı | Colors |
Pink | Pembe | Colors |
Purple | Mor | Colors |
Brown | Kahverengi | Colors |
Black | Siyah | Colors |
Turkey | Türkiye | Countries |
Algeria | Cezayir | Countries |
Angola | Angola | Countries |
Botswana | Botsvana | Countries |
Cameroon | Kamerun | Countries |
Central African Republic | Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti | Countries |
Democratic Republic of Congo | Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti | Countries |
Egypt | Mısır | Countries |
Ethiopia | Etiyopya | Countries |
Gabon | Gabon | Countries |
Ghana | Gana | Countries |
Ivory Coast | Fildişi Kıyısı | Countries |
Kenya | Kenya | Countries |
Libya | Libya | Countries |
Malawi | Malavi | Countries |
Mali | Mali | Countries |
Mauritania | Moritanya | Countries |
Morocco | Fas | Countries |
Mozambique | Mozambik | Countries |
Namibia | Namibya | Countries |
Nigeria | Nijerya | Countries |
Republic of the Congo | Kongo Cumhuriyeti | Countries |
Senegal | Senegal | Countries |
Somalia | Somali | Countries |
South Africa | Güney Afrika | Countries |
Sudan | Sudan | Countries |
Tanzania | Tanzanya | Countries |
Tunisia | Tunus | Countries |
Uganda | Uganda | Countries |
Zambia | Zambiya | Countries |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabve | Countries |
Afghanistan | Afganistan | Countries |
Armenia | Ermenistan | Countries |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaycan | Countries |
Bangladesh | Bangladeş | Countries |
Bahrain | Bahreyn | Countries |
Cambodia | Kamboçya | Countries |
Chechnya | Çeçenistan | Countries |
China | Çin | Countries |
Georgia | Gürcistan | Countries |
Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Countries |
India | Hindistan | Countries |
Indonesia | Endonezya | Countries |
Iran | İran | Countries |
Iraq | Irak | Countries |
Israel | İsrail | Countries |
Japan | Japonya | Countries |
Jordan | Ürdün | Countries |
Kazakhstan | Kazakistan | Countries |
Kuwait | Kuveyt | Countries |
Kyrgyzstan | Kırgızistan | Countries |
Lebanon | Lübnan | Countries |
Malaysia | Malezya | Countries |
Mongolia | Moğolistan | Countries |
North Korea | Kuzey Kore | Countries |
Oman | Umman | Countries |
Pakistan | Pakistan | Countries |
Palestine | Filistin | Countries |
Philippines | Filipinler | Countries |
Qatar | Katar | Countries |
Saudi Arabia | Suudi Arabistan | Countries |
South Korea | Güney Kore | Countries |
Syria | Suriye | Countries |
Tajikistan | Tacikistan | Countries |
Turkmenistan | Türkmenistan | Countries |
United Arab Emirates | Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri | Countries |
Uzbekistan | Özbekistan | Countries |
Vietnam | Vietnam | Countries |
Yemen | Yemen | Countries |
Albania | Arnavutluk | Countries |
Austria | Avusturya | Countries |
Belarus | Belarus / Beyaz Rusya | Countries |
Belgium | Belçika | Countries |
Bosnia Herzegovina | Bosna Hersek | Countries |
Bulgaria | Bulgaristan | Countries |
Croatia | Hırvatistan | Countries |
Cyprus | Kıbrıs | Countries |
Czech Republic | Çek Cumhuriyeti | Countries |
Denmark | Danimarka | Countries |
England | İngiltere | Countries |
Estonia | Estonya | Countries |
Finland | Finlandiya | Countries |
France | Fransa | Countries |
Georgia | Gürcistan | Countries |
Germany | Almanya | Countries |
Greece | Yunanistan | Countries |
Holland | Hollanda | Countries |
Hungary | Macaristan | Countries |
Ireland | İrlanda | Countries |
Italy | İtalya | Countries |
Kosovo | Kosova | Countries |
Latvia | Letonya | Countries |
Lithuania | Litvanya | Countries |
Luxembourg | Lüksemburg | Countries |
Malta | Malta | Countries |
Macedonia | Makedonya | Countries |
Moldova | Moldova | Countries |
Montenegro | Karadağ | Countries |
Northern Ireland | Kuzey İrlanda | Countries |
Norway | Norveç | Countries |
Poland | Polonya | Countries |
Portugal | Portekiz | Countries |
Romania | Romanya | Countries |
Russia | Rusya | Countries |
Scotland | İskoçya | Countries |
Serbia | Sırbistan | Countries |
Slovakia | Slovakya | Countries |
Slovenia | Slovenya | Countries |
Spain | İspanya | Countries |
Sweden | İsveç | Countries |
Switzerland | İsviçre | Countries |
Ukraine | Ukrayna | Countries |
Wales | Galler | Countries |
Canada | Kanada | Countries |
Costa Rica | Kosta Rika | Countries |
Cuba | Küba | Countries |
Haiti | Haiti | Countries |
Mexico | Meksika | Countries |
Panama | Panama | Countries |
United States of America | Amerika Birleşik Devletleri | Countries |
Argentina | Arjantin | Countries |
Bolivia | Bolivya | Countries |
Brazil | Brezilya | Countries |
Chile | Şili | Countries |
Colombia | Kolombiya | Countries |
Ecuador | Ekvador | Countries |
Paraguay | Paraguay | Countries |
Peru | Peru | Countries |
Uruguay | Uruguay | Countries |
Venezuela | Venezuela | Countries |
Australia | Avustralya | Countries |
Fiji | Fiji | Countries |
New Zealand | Yeni Zelanda | Countries |
Papua New Guinea | Papua Yeni Gine | Countries |
Samoa | Samoa | Countries |
Tonga | Tonga | Countries |
Turkish Lira | Türk Lirası | Currency |
Dirham | Dirhem | Currency |
Dollar | Dolar | Currency |
Euro | Euro / Avro | Currency |
Franc | Frank | Currency |
Pound | Sterlin | Currency |
Rupee | Rupi | Currency |
Yen | Yen | Currency |
Monday | Pazartesi | Days And Months |
Tuesday | Salı | Days And Months |
Wednesday | Çarşamba | Days And Months |
Thursday | Perşembe | Days And Months |
Friday | Cuma | Days And Months |
Saturday | Cumartesi | Days And Months |
Sunday | Pazar | Days And Months |
Today | Bugün | Days And Months |
Yesterday | Dün | Days And Months |
Tomorrow | Yarın | Days And Months |
Day before yesterday | Önceki gün / Evvelsi gün | Days And Months |
Day after tomorrow | Öbür gün | Days And Months |
Day | Gün | Days And Months |
Week | Hafta | Days And Months |
Month | Ay | Days And Months |
Year | Yıl / Sene | Days And Months |
Century | Yüzyıl | Days And Months |
January | Ocak | Days And Months |
February | Şubat | Days And Months |
March | Mart | Days And Months |
April | Nisan | Days And Months |
May | Mayıs | Days And Months |
June | Haziran | Days And Months |
July | Temmuz | Days And Months |
August | Ağustos | Days And Months |
September | Eylül | Days And Months |
October | Ekim | Days And Months |
November | Kasım | Days And Months |
December | Aralık | Days And Months |
Spring | İlkbahar | Days And Months |
Summer | Yaz | Days And Months |
Autumn | Sonbahar | Days And Months |
Winter | Kış | Days And Months |
Sunrise | Gündoğumu | Days And Months |
Morning | Sabah | Days And Months |
Midday | Öğle / Öğlen | Days And Months |
Afternoon | Öğleden sonra | Days And Months |
Evening | Akşam | Days And Months |
Sunset | Günbatımı | Days And Months |
Night | Gece | Days And Months |
Midnight | Gece yarısı | Days And Months |
Second | Saniye | Days And Months |
Minute | Dakika | Days And Months |
Hour | Saat | Days And Months |
Father | Baba | Family Members |
Mother | Anne | Family Members |
Brother | Kardeş | Family Members |
Sister | Kız kardeş | Family Members |
Elder brother | Abi | Family Members |
Elder sister | Abla | Family Members |
Grandfather | Dede | Family Members |
Grandmother | See below | Family Members |
Grandchild | Torun | Family Members |
Husband | Koca | Family Members |
Wife | Hanım | Family Members |
Spouse (Husband / Wife) | Eş | Family Members |
Son | Oğul | Family Members |
Daughter | Kız | Family Members |
Aunt | Teyze | Family Members |
Uncle | Dayı | Family Members |
Grandmother | Anneanne | Family Members |
Aunt | Hala | Family Members |
Uncle | Amca | Family Members |
Grandmother | Babaanne | Family Members |
Mother-in-law | Kaynana / Kayınvalide | Family Members |
Father-in-law | Kayınbaba / Kayınpeder | Family Members |
Beef | Sığır eti / Et | Food |
Chicken | Tavuk | Food |
Fish | Balık | Food |
Lamb | Kuzu | Food |
Sausage | Sosis | Food |
Steak | Biftek | Food |
Turkey | Hindi | Food |
Bread | Ekmek | Food |
Pasta | Makarna | Food |
Rice | Pirinç / Pilav | Food |
Cheese | Peynir | Food |
Egg | Yumurta | Food |
Ice-cream | Dondurma | Food |
Milk | Süt | Food |
Yogurt | Yoğurt | Food |
Apple | Elma | Food |
Apricot | Kayısı | Food |
Banana | Muz | Food |
Grapes | Üzüm | Food |
Mango | Mango | Food |
Orange | Portakal | Food |
Peach | Şeftali | Food |
Pear | Armut | Food |
Pineapple | Ananas | Food |
Pomegranate | Nar | Food |
Sour cherry | Vişne | Food |
Strawberry | Çilek | Food |
Watermelon | Karpuz | Food |
Cabbage | Lahana | Food |
Carrot | Havuç | Food |
Corn | Mısır | Food |
Cucumber | Salatalık | Food |
Eggplant | Patlıcan | Food |
Lettuce | Marul | Food |
Onion | Soğan | Food |
Peas | Bezelye | Food |
Potato | Patates | Food |
Spinach | Ispanak | Food |
Burger | Burger | Food |
French fries | Patates kızartması | Food |
Ketchup | Ketçap | Food |
Mayonnaise | Mayonez | Food |
Mustard | Hardal | Food |
Pizza | Pizza | Food |
Sandwich | Sandviç | Food |
Cake | Pasta | Food |
Candy | Şeker | Food |
Chocolate | Çikolata | Food |
Cookies | Bisküvi | Food |
Dessert | Tatlı | Food |
Potato chips | Patates cipsi | Food |
Coffee | Kahve | Food |
Cola | Kola | Food |
Fruit juice | Meyve suyu | Food |
Tea | Çay | Food |
Water | Su | Food |
Chili pepper | Pul biber | Food |
Pepper | Karabiber | Food |
Salt | Tuz | Food |
Vinegar | Sirke | Food |
Breakfast | Kahvaltı | Food |
Lunch | Öğle yemeği | Food |
Dinner | Akşam yemeği | Food |
Muslim | Müslüman | Islam |
Islam | İslam | Islam |
Quran | Kur'ân | Islam |
Sunnah | Sünnet | Islam |
Ablution (Wuzu) | Abdest | Islam |
Call to prayer | Ezan | Islam |
Dome | Kubbe | Islam |
Imam (Leader of prayer) | İmam | Islam |
Minaret | Minare | Islam |
Mosque | Cami | Islam |
Muazzin (One who gives call to prayer) | Müezzin | Islam |
Niche | Mihrap | Islam |
Pulpit | Minber | Islam |
Salaah (Prayer) | Namaz | Islam |
Fajr salaah | Sabah namazı | Islam |
Thuhr salaah | Öğle namazı | Islam |
Asr salaah | İkindi namazı | Islam |
Maghrib salaah | Akşam namazı | Islam |
Esha salaah | Yatsı namazı | Islam |
To perform salaah | Namaz kılmak | Islam |
To Fast | Oruç tutmak | Islam |
Iftar | İftar | Islam |
Laylatul Qadr | Kadir gecesi | Islam |
Ramadan | Ramazan | Islam |
Ramadan Mubarak | Ramazanınız Mübarek Olsun | Islam |
Suhoor | Sahur | Islam |
Taraweeh salaah | Teravih namazı | Islam |
Eid Al-Fitr | Ramazan Bayramı | Islam |
Eid Al-Adha | Kurban Bayramı | Islam |
Eid Mubarak | Bayramınız Mübarek Olsun | Islam |
Jumuah | Cuma | Islam |
Jumuah Mubarakah | Cumanız Mübarek Olsun | Islam |
Hajj | Hac | Islam |
Umrah | Umre | Islam |
Muharram | Muharrem | Islam |
Safar | Safer | Islam |
Rabi'ul Awwal | Rebiülevvel | Islam |
Rabi'ul Akhir | Rebiülahir | Islam |
Jumadul Awwal | Cemaziyelevvel | Islam |
Jumadul Akhir | Cemaziyelahir | Islam |
Rajab | Recep | Islam |
Shabaan | Şaban | Islam |
Ramadan | Ramazan | Islam |
Shawwal | Şevval | Islam |
Dhul Qadah | Zilkade | Islam |
Dhul Hijjah | Zilhicce | Islam |
Headscarf | Eşarp / Başörtüsü | Islam |
Niqab | Çarşaf | Islam |
Jubbah / Kurta | Cübbe | Islam |
Turban | Sarık | Islam |
Taqiyah / Cap | Takke | Islam |
Turkish | Türkçe | Languages |
Arabic | Arapça | Languages |
Chinese | Çince | Languages |
English | İngilizce | Languages |
Farsi | Farsça | Languages |
French | Fransızca | Languages |
German | Almanca | Languages |
Hindi | Hintçe | Languages |
Kurdish | Kürtçe | Languages |
Latin | Latince | Languages |
Ottoman | Osmanlıca | Languages |
Portuguese | Portekizce | Languages |
Russian | Rusça | Languages |
Spanish | İspanyolca | Languages |
Urdu | Urduca | Languages |
Vietnamese | Vietnamca | Languages |
App | Uygulama | Mobile Phone |
Battery | Pil | Mobile Phone |
Call | Çağrı | Mobile Phone |
Charger | Şarj aleti | Mobile Phone |
Data | Veri | Mobile Phone |
Device | Cihaz | Mobile Phone |
Internet | İnternet | Mobile Phone |
Message | Mesaj | Mobile Phone |
Mobile phone | Cep telefonu | Mobile Phone |
Network | Ağ | Mobile Phone |
Password | Şifre | Mobile Phone |
Prepaid minutes / credits / airtime | Kontör | Mobile Phone |
Roaming | Dolaşım | Mobile Phone |
Sim card | SIM kart | Mobile Phone |
Smartphone | Akıllı telefon | Mobile Phone |
Touch screen | Dokunmatik ekran | Mobile Phone |
Accountant | Muhasebeci | Occupations |
Businessman | İşadamı | Occupations |
Chef | Aşçı | Occupations |
Dentist | Diş hekimi | Occupations |
Doctor | Doktor | Occupations |
Engineer | Mühendis | Occupations |
Farmer | Çiftçi | Occupations |
Journalist | Gazeteci | Occupations |
Lawyer | Avukat | Occupations |
Nurse | Hemşire | Occupations |
Researcher | Araştırmacı | Occupations |
Student | Öğrenci | Occupations |
Teacher | Öğretmen | Occupations |
Writer | Yazar | Occupations |
Beard | Sakal | Parts Of The Body |
Brain | Beyin | Parts Of The Body |
Chin | Çene | Parts Of The Body |
Ear | Kulak | Parts Of The Body |
Eye | Göz | Parts Of The Body |
Face | Yüz | Parts Of The Body |
Hair | Saç | Parts Of The Body |
Head | Baş | Parts Of The Body |
Lip | Dudak | Parts Of The Body |
Moustache | Bıyık | Parts Of The Body |
Mouth | Ağız | Parts Of The Body |
Neck | Boyun | Parts Of The Body |
Nose | Burun | Parts Of The Body |
Tongue | Dil | Parts Of The Body |
Tooth | Diş | Parts Of The Body |
Arm | Kol | Parts Of The Body |
Chest | Göğüs | Parts Of The Body |
Elbow | Dirsek | Parts Of The Body |
Finger | Parmak | Parts Of The Body |
Hand | El | Parts Of The Body |
Heart | Kalp | Parts Of The Body |
Shoulder | Omuz | Parts Of The Body |
Stomach | Mide | Parts Of The Body |
Ankle | Ayak bileği | Parts Of The Body |
Foot | Ayak | Parts Of The Body |
Heel | Topuk | Parts Of The Body |
Knee | Diz | Parts Of The Body |
Leg | Bacak | Parts Of The Body |
Toe | Ayak parmağı | Parts Of The Body |
Ballot box | Sandık | Politics |
Border | Sınır | Politics |
Citizen | Vatandaş | Politics |
Constitution | Anayasa | Politics |
Coup | Darbe | Politics |
Democracy | Demokrasi | Politics |
Economy | Ekonomi | Politics |
Election | Seçim | Politics |
Government | Hükümet | Politics |
Minister | Bakan | Politics |
Parliament | Parlamento / Meclis | Politics |
Party | Parti | Politics |
Politician | Siyasetçi | Politics |
Politics | Siyaset | Politics |
President | Cumhurbaşkanı / Devlet Başkanı | Politics |
Prime Minister | Başbakan | Politics |
Republic | Cumhuriyet | Politics |
Vote | Oy | Politics |
War | Savaş | Politics |
Bell | Zil | School |
Blackboard | Tahta | School |
Chair | Sandalye | School |
Class / Grade | Sınıf | School |
Desk | Masa | School |
Elementary School | İlkokul | School |
Holiday | Tatil | School |
Homework | Ödev | School |
Lesson | Ders | School |
Middle School | Ortaokul | School |
Principal | Okul müdürü | School |
Recess / Break | Teneffüs | School |
School | Okul | School |
Secondary School / High School | Lise | School |
Student | Öğrenci | School |
Subject | Ders | School |
Teacher | Öğretmen | School |
Test | Sınav | School |
Uniform | Kıyafet | School |
Chalk | Tebeşir | School |
Eraser | Silgi | School |
Glue | Tutkal | School |
Notebook | Defter | School |
Pen | Kalem | School |
Pencil | Kurşun kalem | School |
Ruler | Cetvel | School |
Scissor | Makas | School |
Sharpener | Kalemtıraş | School |
Textbook | Kitap | School |
Biology | Biyoloji | School |
Chemistry | Kimya | School |
English | İngilizce | School |
French | Fransızca | School |
Geography | Coğrafya | School |
Geometry | Geometri | School |
German | Almanca | School |
History | Tarih | School |
Literature | Edebiyat | School |
Mathematics | Matematik | School |
Philosophy | Felsefe | School |
Physics | Fizik | School |
Spanish | İspanyolca | School |
Turkish | Türkçe | School |
Aeroplane | Uçak | Transport |
Bicycle | Bisiklet | Transport |
Boat | Tekne | Transport |
Bus | Otobüs | Transport |
Car | Araba | Transport |
Ferry | Feribot / Vapur | Transport |
Helicopter | Helikopter | Transport |
Motorbike | Motosiklet | Transport |
Scooter | Skuter | Transport |
Ship | Gemi | Transport |
Subway / Underground Railway | Metro | Transport |
Taxi | Taksi | Transport |
Train | Tren | Transport |
Tram | Tramvay | Transport |
Truck | Kamyon | Transport |
Hello | Merhaba | Greetings |
Love | Aşk | Greetings |
Hi | Selam | Greetings |
Good morning | Günaydın | Greetings |
Good evening | İyi akşamlar | Greetings |
Good day | İyi günler | Greetings |
How are you | Nasılsınız | Greetings |
How are you | Nasılsın | Greetings |
Goodbye | Hoşça kal | Greetings |
Goodbye | Hoşça kalın | Greetings |
Goodbye | Güle güle | Greetings |
Goodbye | Allahaısmarladık | Greetings |
See you later | Görüşmek üzere | Greetings |
Thank you | Teşekkür ederim | Greetings |
Sorry | Üzgünüm | Greetings |