Wildings in Russian
Do you know Wildings in Russian? How to use Wildings in Russian and how to say Wildings in Russian? How to write Wildings in Russian? Now let's learn how to say Wildings in Russian language.
Wildings translate to Russian meanings: дички.
In other words, дички in Russian is Wildings in English.Click to pronunce
English | Russian |
Wildings | дички |
How to use Wildings in Russian?
Meaning of Wildings in Russian language is: дички.
Other words in Russian
Whereinto, Wanning, Wackier, Workhouses, Wordless,
Read more Synonyms and Antonyms of Wildings
Why we should learn Russian language?
There are many, many reasons why learning a new language is a good idea. It allows you to communicate with new people. It helps you to see things from a different perspective, or get a deeper understanding of another culture. It helps you to become a better listener. It even has health benefits, as studies have shown that people who speak two or more languages have more active minds later in life!
7 reasons to learn a Russian language
- Makes you smarter.
- Boosts academic achievement.
- Provides professional and career advantages.
- Provides broader access to education and information.
- Gives you more social and global skills.
- Increases national security.
- Life is more interesting.
How to say Wildings in Russian?
дички. This is your most common way to say Wildings in дички language. Click audio icon to pronounce Wildings in Russian::
English | Russian |
Wildings | дички |
How to write Wildings in Russian?
The standard way to write "Wildings" in Russian is: дички
Alphabet in Russian
About Russian language
See more about Russian language in here.
Russian (русский язык, tr. russkiy yazyk) is an East Slavic language native to the Russians in Eastern Europe. It is a part of the Indo-European language family, and is one of four living East Slavic languages, and also part of the larger Balto-Slavic branch. Russian is an official language in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and is used widely throughout the Caucasus, Central Asia, and to some extent in the Baltic states. Russian is used widely in Ukraine. It was the de facto language of the Soviet Union until its dissolution; and is used in an official capacity or in public life in all the post-Soviet states. The language is one of the six official languages of the United Nations.
Russian has over 258 million total speakers worldwide, and is the most spoken Slavic language, the most spoken native language in Europe, as well as the most geographically widespread language in Eurasia. Large numbers of Russian speakers are residents of other countries, such as Israel and Mongolia. It is the world's seventh-most spoken language by number of native speakers, and the world's eighth-most spoken language by total number of speakers. Russian is also the second-most widespread language on the Internet, after English..
Writing system in Russian
Cyrillic (Russian alphabet), Russian Braille
Russian Speaking Countries and Territories
Russian Speaking Countries and Territories: Russia.
Russian native speakers
Russian native speakers: 150 million (2012), L2 speakers: 110 million (2012).
Russian language code
Russian language code is: ru.
Conclusion on Wildings in Russian
Now that you have learned and understood the common ways of saying Wildings in Russian is "дички", it's time to learn how to say Wildings in Russian. This will hopefully give you a little motivation to study Russian today.
дички in Russian meanings Wildings in English.